Saturday 19 October 2013

One Day with Nano Economics

Again and again, there was an event in my campus. The first one day with Nano Economic (in the world, probably). It was held by candidates of KSEI progres member. KSEI progres is one of the prestigious organization in campus TAZKIA.  I has been part of them during a year. May be next time, I will tell you the accident caused me to be member of this organization.

Back to the laptop, This season, we open recruitment for new member. Many Student interested to join into this organization. That so why we have to select them by challanging them to hold Seminar Series. In this seminar series, their performance and commitment will be tested. Finally, the Committee has been formed,  We called them Nano. Because They took the theme "Nano Economic" for this seminar series. Project officer was Jabbar Sambudi, The man whose front wave hair is always wet and Shiny, clingg. This Seminar was totally handled by the candidates of member. Althought, we didn't have to interfere, but we will help them if they need us. I took a part too, in this event. They need me to be cameraman because I have authority to use the camera in studio. "with pleasure!!".

Bay de wey, How deep your knowledge about macro and micro economic?. yeah, you've found it on the bench of Senior high School, rigth?. Here , we talk about Nano. When you get word "Nano", what is the thing that cross in your brain?,"manis? asem? asin?"  hahaha It’s not Candy guys.

Deci, milli, mikro. Of, course you've known well them in your elementary school, right?. Is there any smaller after that?. Yeah, They are nano then pico then femto then atto then zepto then yocto which is the smallest official SI prefix in the metric system denoting a factor of 10 pangkat 24 or 0.000000000000000000000001. wow, could you imagine How small is that?.

So, what is nano economy, its about economic phenomena which has smaller scope than micro. for Example, when your mom buy an egg in the market. its one of the micro acivity. How about nano? It's economic actvity that occurs within the family. So we called it nano because family is part of small community in society.

Islam as a away of life also regulates the economy in the family. One of the nano economic instument in the family is Faraidh or mawarits. Faraidh is Islamic Inheritance Law (faraid) which has been pre-ordained by Allah s.w.t. in a wise and gradual manner. Because Sometime conflict occured in the division of inherited property. That so, Islamic Inheritance Law has clearly and comprehensively determined  the beneficiaries and their respective portions as described in the al-Quran.

Mr. Jabal Alamsyah, the key Speaker of this seminar, explained to us that Nano has significant impact for Micro and Macro economic. He give us an example by story. There was rich man who has died, they leave 100 ha of palm oil plantation and petrol Station. Every people in his family  wanted portion of this property. They fight over inheritance. no bady wanted to hang out the white flag. Long time passed, The business of plantation and petrol station didn't running well. no body handle these business. Because of inheritence conflict. The revenue reduced,(micro effect), fee for dozens of employee  reduced, beside they have to feed their family. The business couldn't pay tax anymore (macro effect).  Zakat reduced too, whereas the zakat potencial when the business run was 100 million. Could imagine how many economic sectors affected by neglect of inheritance.

                Whereas, Mawarits/Faraidh has given an answer for that problem long-long time ago. The solution has been written in Holy book al-Qur’an Surah an-nisa verse 11, 12, and 176 about beneficiaries and their portion. I learnt it (mawarits) last semester.  Hadist said that it is Half of knowledge. The reason is because it is between death and life (may be). It’s mean that I’ve learnt the half of knowledge in the world. Wow, how genius I am. hahaha. 
           And the last, Thanks very much for the committe who has buckled down to prepare this event. Eventhought  all of you always made noisy in my home (In front of al-Hamra-Andalusia), I'm proud of You, Guys. Accepted or rejected by Progress, You are the best.
Well, Just cekidot the gallery below!!!          

The spirit of Mr. Jabal Alamsyah
Si Ganteng lagi nyetel kameranya
Testimoni Mr. Jabal direkam Siganteng

Si Ganteng bersama Fansnya

Rahmat melantunkan ayat suci Al-Qur'an

(Sebenarnya dia orang tua yang sedang menyamar menjadi mahasiswa)

Si Ganteng, Azni, dan Afra

Si Ganteng dan para panitia
