This episode
would like to tell you what are activities in PT. Huma Indah Mekar.
In the second week of our magank, all accounting staffs were
busy for closing entries. We couldn’t disturb them with any question. Therefore,
we decided to leave office and visit some sectors in PT. HIM in that week for
knowing activities of rubber production and it’s supporting. So as we wiil learn
about accounting activities in the office, next week we would have highlight
about flow chart activities in the company. Cuz, sometime it is confusing if
just looking at the number without imagine the activity.
On Monday, we
visited Nursery area. There are two locations of nursery. New and old. The new
is near from administration office. In this location we observed weeding and
manuring activity. Thousand polybag contained rubber bud form a line tidily. Seen
a lady was watering them in the morning, and Some employee cooperated in mixing
manure and save it in the polybag. They were supervised by mandore.
The old is in
the 2ndafdeling. We went there by motor cycle, accompanied by Mr. Parman
Security. Here, ages type of rubber tree are more complete. From the Bud in the
polybag till immature plant which is planted on the ground but unable to be
tapped yet. The mandore accompanied us walking around the area and answered our
questions conveniently. Many new terms we got, like culling, ploughing,
harrowing, budding, etc.
We also found
time to visit weighting Place we call it TPH (TempatpenimbanganHasil) because
eachafdelling has it. every tapper collect their tapping poduct here. We
met the clerk who was waiting for
tapping product. She make a note of product from every tapper as a duty. The
note will be given to the payroll staff in administration office to be
reference of their salary.
The field has
three products, the first grade is Latex, it is liquid rubber which is the raw
material of the main product in the factory. The off grade is Cup Lump and
Treelace. Cup Lump is rubber freezeing up in the cup, it is globulous whereas
tree lace is rubber running dry in slice of tree, it’s shape is like lace and
also elastic. The tapper just pull it from the tree. We could see and tried to
touch the off grade product. What a bad-smell.Especially Cup Lump, I
tried to took one and took its picture. Then the bad smell in my hand couldn’t disappear till I washed it in home.
But it just a beginning the real smell will be found in factory. Unfortunately
we didn’t see latex product because it come on 11 o’ Clock as a schedule ,
while we have promised to bring back the motor cycle to the owner at the same
On wednesday
we visited the Rubber Factory, firstly we met Mr. Luhut as Factory Manager to
take permission for visiting factory. He welcomed us well and ask to his
mandore Mr. Pur to accompany us walking around the factory. Beside the factory
office, there is also weighting place. Before entering, the car that carry the
product will be weighed. Weighing clerk will make a note and give it to the office. It will be compared with the note
of weighing place from its afdeling as internal control. Yeah we learned it
in campus.
Commonly, There
are three Products from the factory. Two main products is Rubber Sheet Smoke
(RSS) and Centrifuge Latex (Cenex) Both
of them are made by lateks. And one
byproduct is Brown creep that made by Treelace, Slab and the waste of RSS and
Cenex production.
In Cenex factory
liquid latex is processed into centrifugation machine. That’s why We name it Centrifuge
Latex (Cenex). Latex is mixed with chemicals one of them is amoniak (NH3). Before
enter the cenex Factory you will get pungent smell, let alone inside, it was the
worse smell I’ve ever smelled. Even my eye felt poignant. At the time I thanks because my poop is not created as smell as this amoniak. We also see three
Giant Can, it is part of centrifugation machine which is used to receive and
process latex from the field. When I walking around the factory. I met a man
taking bath. He washed away latex from his body. He said that He has entered in
and cleaned the giant can of latex. Oh
my God.
RSS, Cenex processing also has the waste, liquid skim, rubber trape and
coagulum latex. There is two canal connected Cenex factory and brown crepe
factory. Liquid skim and rubber trape flow there to the pool. They will be
precessed in brown crepe factory.
Friday we visit workshop. It is leaded by Budi Haryono as technic Assistant.
Workshop run maintanace in factory, civil, transportation and all about
mechanic, electric and water. We didn’t explore them all because of the short
time and laziness. I just learned about transportation document and some
flowchart related accounting by interviewing office clerk (Mr. Supriyadi and
Mrs. Maryanti).
Saturday we visited warehouse. The office is more narrow than office we have
visited. Warehouse is managed by Mr. Yamin as Warehouse Assistant. Warehouse duty
controls Stock of supplies, inventory, factory product that will be related to
selling and purchasing ativity. And as usual we learned about flow chart and
internal control document there.
are some highlight we got after visit several sectors in company. There are
more complicated else which have not been told yet. But the point is practice
what you know, feel and touch the theory by that very fact. It give more
sensasion than sitting in the class for absent.